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Choose Prime Research for unparalleled quality, reliability, and a dedication to advancing your research with confidence. We pride ourselves on delivering SARMs with an exceptional purity of 99.8%, ensuring you receive the highest quality compounds available.

SARM Stacks

Beast Mode Combo / RAD140 + GW501516 + SR9009$221.25$424.99

The Beast Mode Combo contains:

  • RAD140: 20mg/ml in a 30ml vial
  • GW501516: 20mg/ml in a 30ml vial
  • SR9009: 20mg/ml in a 30ml vial

RAD140: 99.75% PURITY / RAD-140 HPLC Test / 2023-02-24

GW501516: 99.58% PURITY / GW501516 HPLC Test / 2023-02-24

SR9009: 99.31% PURITY / SR9009 HPLC Test / 2023-02-24



Mammoth Mode Combo / RAD140 + MK677 + LGD4033$221.25$424.99

The Mammoth Stack contains:

RAD140: 20mg/ml in a 30ml vial
MK677: 25mg/ml in a 30ml vial
LGD4033: 10mg/ml in a 30ml vial

HPLC Tests

RAD 140 Purity: 99.8%

RAD-140 HPLC Test / 2023-02-24


MK 677 Purity: 99.4%

MK677 HPLC Test / 2023-02-24


LGD 4033 Purity: 99.4%

LGD4033 HPLC Test / 2023-02-24

Carnage / RAD140 + GW501516$154.99$293.99

The Carnage Stack contains:

RAD140: 20mg/ml in a 30ml vial
GW50516: 20mg/ml in a 30ml vial

Venom / RAD140 + MK677$160.50$298.99

The Venom Stack contains:

RAD140: 20mg/ml in a 30ml vial
MK677: 25mg/ml in a 30ml vial

HPLC Tests

RAD 140 Purity: 99.8%

RAD-140 HPLC Test / 2023-02-24


MK 677 Purity: 99.4%

MK677 HPLC Test / 2023-02-24

Single SARMs

LGD4033 / Ligandrol$78.50

LGD4033: 10mg/ml in a 30ml vial HPLC Tests:LGD 4033 Purity: 99.4% LGD4033 HPLC Test /…

MK677 / Ibutamoren$86.75

MK677: 25mg/ml in a 30ml vial   HPLC Tests:MK 677 Purity: 99.4% MK677 HPLC Test /…

GW501516 / Cardarine$82.50

GW501516: 20mg/ml in a 30ml vial GW501516: 99.58% PURITY / GW501516 HPLC Test / 2023-02-24…

RAD140 / Testolone$88.75

RAD140: 20mg/ml in a 30ml vial HPLC TestsRAD 140 Purity: 99.8% RAD-140 HPLC Test / 2023-02-24

SR9009 / Stenabolic$86.75

SR9009: 20mg/ml in a 30ml vial SR9009: 99.31% PURITY / SR9009 HPLC Test / 2023-02-24  …



TB-500 contains: 5mg/vial 98.1% PURITY TB-500 HPLC Test - 2023-09-24


PT-141 contains: 10mg/vial HPLC Tests Coming SOON

BPC-157 & TB-500 / Heal Like Deadpool Combo$99.99

BPC-157 contains: 5mg/vial BPC-157: 99.6% PURITY BPC157 HPLC Test - September 2023 TB-500…


BPC-157 contains: 5mg/vial 99.6% PURITY BPC157 HPLC Test - September 2023

99.8% Purity /

purity / quality / service