A Rev-ErbA agonist called Stenabolic (referred to as SR-9009) was created by professor Thomas Burris of the Scripps Research Institute.It offers almost all of the advantages of cardarine without the risk of cancer. In spite of this, Cardarine has far greater appeal. Why? Stenabolic must be injected or taken sublingually every four hours to produce stable blood levels because it is not orally accessible and has a short half-life. Sublingual administration of a standard liquid solution or the powder contained in SR-9009 capsules can be done by placing it under the tongue for two to three minutes. It is also effective when applied topically.
Similar to Cardarine, SR-9009 will greatly boost stamina and endurance. In the absence of SR injection, cardarine is superior. It is not optimal to use Stenabolic sublingually, although you can expect a slight gain in endurance. Users who have used the injectable form say it is fantastic; some even say they can nearly double their endurance when combined with oral cardarine.
Additionally, stenabolic will raise HDL cholesterol while lowering triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. Anti-inflammatory effects are anticipated. Additionally, research has indicated that it may be helpful in preventing some cancer forms.
The breakdown and mobilization of fat will be aided by steabolic activity. When used with Cardarine, it provides an ideal combination for fat burning and performance enhancement without the thermogenic effects of most conventional fat-burners.